Friday, August 31, 2012

Federal court rejects Texas voter ID law

Pat Sullivan / AP

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told the NAACP annual convention on July 10 in Houston that he opposes a new photo ID requirement in Texas elections because it would be harmful to minority voters.

By NBC News staff and news services

A federal court in Washington on Thursday blocked a Texas law that would require voters to present photo IDs to election officials before being allowed to cast ballots in November, saying it would place an unfair burden on minorities and the poor.

A three-judge U.S. District Court panel ruled that that SB 14, described as the most stringent voter ID law in the country, imposes "strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor" and noted that racial minorities in Texas are more likely to live in poverty.

?Texas, seeking to implement its voter ID law, bears the burden of proof and must therefore show that SB 14 lacks retrogressive effect. But as we have found, everything Texas has submitted as affirmative evidence is unpersuasive, invalid, or both,? the opinion said.

?Moreover, uncontested record evidence conclusively shows that the implicit costs of obtaining SB 14-qualifying ID will fall most heavily on the poor and that a disproportionately high percentage of African Americans and Hispanics in Texas live in poverty. We therefore conclude that SB 14 is likely to lead to ?retrogression in the position of racial minorities with respect to their effective exercise of the electoral franchise.??

Read the court opinion (.PDF)

The ruling was the second legal blow to Texas this week. On Tuesday, another federal court panel threw out a Texas redistricting plan, finding evidence of discrimination in voting maps drawn by the state's Republican-controlled Legislature.

The decision on the voter ID law involves an increasingly contentious political issue: a push, largely by Republican-controlled legislatures and governor's offices to impose strict identification requirements on voters.

Republicans are aggressively seeking the requirements in the name of stamping out voter fraud. Democrats, with support from a number of studies, say that fraud at the polls is largely non-existent and that Republicans are simply trying to disenfranchise minorities, poor people and college students -- all groups that tend to back Democrats.

Who can vote?: Special series on voter ID issues

The ruling comes in the same week that South Carolina's strict photo ID law is on trial in front of another three-judge panel in the same federal courthouse. A court ruling in the South Carolina case is expected in time for the November election.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed SB 14 into law on May 27, 2011. The law has yet to take effect because the state needs ?preclearance? for any change in voting procedures from either the U.S. attorney general or a three-judge U.S. District Court panel.

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The judges said such voter ID laws might well be approved if they ensure that all prospective voters can easily obtain free photo IDs, and that any underlying documents required to obtain that ID are truly free of charge.

But the judges noted the Texas Legislature tabled or defeated amendments that would have, among other things, waived all fees for indigent persons who needed the underlying ?documents and reimbursed poor people for ID-related travel costs.

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In the Texas case, the Justice Department called several lawmakers, all of them Democrats, who said they detected a clear racial motive in the push for the voter ID law. Lawyers for Texas argued that the state was simply tightening its laws. Texas called experts who demonstrated that voter ID laws had a minimal effect on turnout. Republican lawmakers testified that the legislation was the result of a popular demand for more election protections.

During an appearance in Houston in July, Attorney General Eric Holder said Texas' photo ID requirement amounts to a poll tax, a term that harkens back to the days after Civil War Reconstruction when blacks across the South were stripped of their right to vote. The attorney general told the NAACP that many Texas voters seeking to cast ballots would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain the required photo ID.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said the state will appeal the panel's rejection to the U.S. Supreme Court.

?The Supreme Court of the United States has already upheld voter ID laws as a constitutional method of ensuring integrity at the ballot box,? he said in a statement. ?Today's decision is wrong on the law and improperly prevents Texas from implementing the same type of ballot integrity safeguards that are employed by Georgia and Indiana - and were upheld by the Supreme Court. The State will appeal this decision to the U.S. Supreme Court, where we are confident we will prevail."

The Associated Press contributed to this report compiled by NBC News' James Eng.

What do you think of voter ID laws?

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Danish scientists solve old blood mystery: New intriguing knowledge on blood hemoglobin

ScienceDaily (Aug. 31, 2012) ? Scientists at the research centre MEMBRANES at Aarhus University, Denmark, have completed an old puzzle, which since the 1960s from many sides has been regarded as impossible to complete. The challenge was to solve the structure of the protecting protein complex that forms when hemoglobin is released from red cells and becomes toxic. This toxic release of hemoglobin occurs in many diseases affecting red cell stability, e.g. malaria.

Technically, the most important finding in this report in Nature is a high-resolution three-dimensional mapping of the so-called 'haptoglobin-hemoglobin complex'.

"After many failing experiments, our breakthrough came when we gave up using human material and went to the local slaughterhouse to purchase pig blood. Not a particular high-technological approach, but this transition from studying human blood to blood from a species with close homology had magic effects. After running into dead ends for two years and trying out the most complex gene-technological ways to produce the right material, it suddenly worked," says S?ren Kragh Moestrup, the head of the research group at Department of Biomedicine.

The discovery provides new essential information on hemoglobin that makes up most of the red cell interior. hemoglobin is an essential blood component for transport of oxygen, but it becomes toxic with potential damaging effects on tissues, in particular the kidneys, when it is released from the red cells. An excessive release can occur in many diseases, such as malaria and other infections.

However, the body has a sophisticated defence system. The first line defence is carried out by the blood protein haptoglobin, which captures hemoglobin and gates it to a receptor that engulfs the hemoglobin-haptoglobin complex. This function of the receptor named CD163 was originally discovered by the same group.

"We have now shown how this unique protein complex forms by generation of a detailed 3-dimensional map of each atom. This shows for the first time how the complex is formed and explains the tight protein association," says PhD Christian Brix Folsted Andersen. He has together with Master's student Morten Torvund-Jensen been an essential driving force in the project.

The results have also led to an unexpected discovery of a novel type of protein structure and a new patent submission on exploitation of the discovery for use in generation of a new type of synthetic proteins to be used in therapy and diagnostics.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Aarhus University, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Christian Brix Folsted Andersen, Morten Torvund-Jensen, Marianne Jensby Nielsen, Cristiano Luis Pinto de Oliveira, Hans-Petter Hersleth, Niels H?jmark Andersen, Jan Skov Pedersen, Gregers Rom Andersen, S?ren Kragh Moestrup. Structure of the haptoglobin?haemoglobin complex. Nature, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nature11369

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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GAO Report Targets Sham Universities; Senate Making Noise about ...

By Joe Guzzardi, CAPS Senior Writing Fellow. Guzzardi's Op-eds about California social issues have appeared in newspapers throughout California and elsewhere for 15 years., August 30, 2012 (10 hours ago)

Like many of her Democratic Congressional colleagues, this summer Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) trailed in re-election polling. McCaskill lagged several points behind challenger U.S. Rep. Todd Akin until he made his outrageous remark that ?legitimate? rape rarely causes pregnancy. Despite his offensive, crude and inaccurate comment, Akin steadfastly refuses to withdraw.? Akin?s support has dramatically eroded. In July Akin led McCaskill by 11 points; today, he?s 17 points behind. [McCaskill Leads Akin in Missouri Senate Race, New Poll Shows, by Sean Sullivan, Washington Post, August 25, 2012]

From a patriotic immigration reform perspective, the race between McCaskill and Akin is unusual. McCaskill has shown signs of understanding the correlation between over-immigration and American job loss; Akin is one of the highest rated on the NumbersUSA grade card system.

Recently, McCaskill spoke out forcefully to urge Congress to take immediate steps to end sham universities. As an example, California?s Tri-Valley University enrolled more than 1,500 foreign students until a federal investigation exposed the school as a fraud. At the direction of President Susan Xiao-Ping Su, school officials unsuspectingly gave F-1 student visas to undercover agents, posing as foreign nationals, who as part of the sting said they had no intention of attending school. Tri Valley students, mostly from India and China, paid $5,400 per semester in tuition to obtain the visas until the school was shut down. [Read my March, 2011 CAPS column about the Tri Valley scandal here.]

Acting on a July 24th Government Accountability Office report indicating that Department of Homeland Security oversight failures have allowed unqualified students and possible terrorists to enter the country, McCaskill announced her intention to beef up the Student and Visitor Exchange Program (SEVP). Read the GAO report here.

McCaskill, along with Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), plan to introduce the Student Visa Integrity Act which would criminalize materially false statements or providing incorrect information when petitioning foreign students. The bill would also limit the SEVP program to accredited schools, a status that Tri Valley didn?t have.

In her July 25 statement, McCaskill said:

?Sham universities knowingly commit fraud, jeopardize our nation?s security and abuse an otherwise worthy visa program. For too long these institutions have broken the law and gotten away with it, but it?s time to put the proper safeguards in place to ensure their schemes have consequences. This bipartisan legislation is another step in working to fully secure our nation?s borders and keep our communities safe.?

Whether McCaskill?s effort is sincere or a vote-getting maneuver isn?t clear. But either way, more diligence in exposing bogus universities and their craven owners is welcome. Ditto for the students who mock U.S. immigration law and cheat the system. They should be banned from attending any other university, deported and forfeit whatever money they have invested schemes that are obviously fraudulent.


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Reuters poll: Chances of Fed QE3 dims for investors and economists

LONDON/BANGALORE (Reuters) - Investors and economists have become far more skeptical over the past two weeks that the Federal Reserve will announce a new round of bond purchases at its September meeting, according to Reuters polls over the last week.

While hardly portraying a surging economy, U.S. economic data over the last two weeks have, for the most part, come in a little better than forecast.

That has persuaded many economists and fund managers a new round of monetary easing from the central bank is no longer a safe bet, although polls of both groups suggest the result of its September policy meeting will be a close call.

Only 44 percent of fund managers in the Reuters global asset allocation poll published Thursday now think the Fed will announce a third round of quantitative easing, down from 70 percent in the same poll last month.

Similarly, a poll of economists last Friday gave a 45 percent chance of a new round of quantitative easing resulting from the Fed's September 12-13 policy meeting, a sharp cut from 60 percent in another poll earlier in the month.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke will give a much-awaited speech on Friday at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, at the central bank's annual retreat. Many investors are hoping for a clear signal, as he famously did two years ago, that he will print more money.

But they may have their hopes dashed.

"I think he is going to leave his options open," said Gary Schlossberg, senior economist at Wells Capital Management, which has more than $325 billion in assets under management.

"It's going to be similar in tone to the (Federal Open Market Committee) minutes, and the markets will be disappointed."

Minutes from the Fed's July 31-August 1 meeting suggested it was likely to deliver a new round of monetary stimulus "fairly soon" unless the economy improved considerably.

But recent economic data may have changed the picture, even since last Wednesday's publication of the minutes. Consumer spending data are improving and there are signs the battered U.S. housing market may have turned the corner.

"We don't believe that economic conditions justify any further action by the Fed," said David Goerz, chief investment strategist at HighMark Capital Management in San Francisco.

"The minutes are a bit dated at this point, given a lot of the data released since the Fed's last meeting."

The U.S. economy grew a little faster than thought in the second quarter, although not enough to close the door on more bond purchases, which so far total $2.3 trillion. Jobs growth also remains weak, despite a rebound in July.

That has brought the Fed's performance under political scrutiny ahead of the November 6 presidential election, particularly among opposition Republicans who have criticized quantitative easing as an inflation time bomb.

Monica Defend, head of global asset allocation at Italy-based Pioneer, said that is one main reason why the Fed will not launch a new round of bond purchases before the end of the year.

"The presidential elections are coming up in November and any (policy) move may not be recommended until the January inauguration," she said.

(Reporting by Andy Bruce; Additional reporting by Ingrid Melander; editing by Patrick Graham)


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What you should know about account-wide pets, mounts and - Joystiq

Patch 5.0.4 is live and most of your achievements, pets and mounts are now account-wide. The problem is that they will not all show up when you first log in. You also may find that you don't have as many of each pet as you thought you did. Here's what you should know

So if you logged in and didn't like the size of your pet and mount journal, log on to all of your characters.

The full posts from Blizzard with this information are after the break.

It's finally here, and you'll be able to enjoy just about every mount and pet you own on any character, and any license, under a single account. You can also work on a wide variety of Achievements from multiple characters. Please be aware of the rules and guidelines we've just posted for how you can coalesce your account-wide pets and mounts smoothly and safely.

*To see all of your achievements, pets, and mounts, you'll want to log into every character at least once.

When Patch 5.0.4 goes live in the next week, we will be implementing systems that prepare characters for the Pet Battles system that is coming with World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, and bringing account-wide non-combat pets to the game. During the patching process, non-combat pets will be migrated among your characters, with the final result being all of your non-combat pets available to all of your characters. This initial adjustment to your catalog of pets includes several changes that are worth noting.

1. There will be a limit of 500 pets, per player, that can be carried going forward.
Players will be allowed to go over the 500 pet cap during the 5.0.4 migration.
The migration will not convert more than a total of 1500 pets for a player.
Unique pets will be merged, so there will not be more than one unique pet on an account.

2. Pets that can only be used by characters of the other faction will be greyed out.
Such pets can only be summoned by characters of the proper faction.
Examples include: Balloons, Moonkin Hatchlings.
There are certain pets that will not be account-wide. Examples include: Guild Page, Guild Herald, Argent Squire, Argent Gruntling.

3. Players should not see more than one of any unique pets. Examles include: Lil' KT, Murky, and Frosty.

4. All standard pets will be merged. There will be a limit of three per type for players, but the migration can exceed this limit. Examples of standard pets: Orange Tabby Cat, Brown Prairie Dog, Crimson Whelpling.

It's open warfare between Alliance and Horde in Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft's next expansion. Jump into five new levels with new talents and class mechanics, try the new monk class, and create a pandaren character to ally with either Horde or Alliance. Look for expansion basics in our Mists FAQ, or dig into our spring press event coverage for more details!

Filed under: Mists of Pandaria


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International Itinerants: a New Breed of Expatriates?

Traditionally, expatriate managers have been treated from the organization?s perspective. However, as pointed out in one of my older blog posts, expatriation is a broad term that allows for several further classifications. For example, based on the locus of the transfer initiative ?traditional? corporation-assigned expatriates can be complemented by self-initiated expatriates. Although implying a wide range of international experiences, this classification still applies to a more conventional framework of employment where the individual?s career is meant to be fixed with one, or very few, employers. Hence, a company sends an employee on an international assignment at least with the prospect of successful repatriation and further career development within the company, while self-initiated expats choose to relocate to a foreign country and start building their career, hired under a local, host-county contract. Both scenarios implicitly assume some stability and career progression within one organization. However, in the past few decades the traditional career path has been changing, and by now the forces of globalization, reorganization and outsourcing have transformed businesses, increased competitive pressures and decisively shifted one?s career development responsibility from employers to individual employees. Today, one?s successful career is a matter of personal initiative and is quite likely to go beyond one organization.

Based on these notions, researchers (Banai & Harry, 2004; and Shaydulova & Banai, 2007) have introduced the term ?international itinerants?, to classify independent expatriates that are moving from place to place to develop an international career and not planning to go ?home?. In other words, contrary to the traditional path of progressing within one organization, these managers tend to build their professional career with multiple employers, meanwhile changing destinations and living the expatriate lifestyle. Banai and Harry (2004, pg. 100) defined them as ?professional managers who over their careers are employed for their ability, by at least two business organizations that are not related to each other, in at least two different foreign countries.?

International itinerants can be called a new breed of expatriates, suggesting a lower commitment to the employing organization, as by definition, international itinerants stay with one company for only a specific period of time and leave their organization in pursuit of a new job. An interesting question that arises here is whether the differences with traditional expatriates are due to personality characteristics (e.g. commitment; being more or less adventurous), or are a matter of opportunities and circumstances (e.g. no growth possibilities in the current company)?

The most recent exploratory study of international itinerants (Shaydulova & Banai, 2007) suggests that there are not many differences between international itinerants and traditional expatriates. The data of 138 respondents indicated that international itinerants have the same levels of organizational commitment, locus of control (belief about how much control one has over his/hers life), and instrumentality (belief that one?s efforts will pay off) as traditional expatriates. While this suggests the need to further explore possible differences based on stable personality characteristics (e.g. openness to change, adventurism), the authors propose that the lack of differences may indicate the important role of opportunities and circumstances.

Indeed, Banai and Harry?s (2004) primary description of international itinerants, among other career explanations such as being novelty seekers or possessing a unique expertise that can be transferred across cultures and organizations, includes the path of ?failed expatriates?. Specifically, the researchers argue that many of the international itinerants were originally employed by an international organization, and decided to remain abroad and venture on their own due to an unsuccessful repatriation. Based on my own research I believe that many employees will agree that repatriation may be even harder than the initial move abroad, and, contrary to expectations, overseas assignments may often have negative effects on one?s career. Indeed, employers often fail to plan an expatriate?s career path upon return home, and do not manage to make use of the new knowledge gained abroad. Moreover, the lack of assistance in re-adjusting to a changed work environment upon return may negatively influence the repatriate?s willingness to re-integrate into the home organization. As a result, foreseeing such difficulties and disappointments or experiencing them shortly upon return may lead expatriates to decide to leave the organization and try their luck in the already familiar host country or even another new destination.

Shaydulova and Banai (2007) note that if indeed a choice between staying with or leaving the initial employer is a matter of circumstance, there are some important managerial implications to account for. The current employer has the power to influence the individual?s choice in favor of the organization. Specifically, organizations can ensure more efficient repatriation, by planning it well ahead of the actual return home. Practically, companies can provide repatriation training, mentoring; they can also develop a clear career plan and ensure the efficient application of repatriates? new knowledge upon their return, which my own research? has shown to benefit not only the organization but also the individual.

A shift from keeping expatriates from becoming international itinerants to the explicit employment of international itinerants entails several advantages/disadvantages and implications to be discussed. This is something I will cover in one of my following posts.

Further reading:

Banai, M. & Harry, W. (2004). Boundaryless Global Careers : The International Itinerants. International Studies of Management and Organization, 34, 3, 96-120.

Shaydulova, A. & Banai, M. (2007). International itinerants and traditional expatriates : different breed or different circumstance? Southern New Hampshire University.



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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

5 Immigration Questions with an Expert Immigration Attorney | Pingo ...

Guest Blog Post:

By: Christine Swenson from Swenson Law Office PC

Question 1:
As you?re probably aware over 3,350,000 million searches on ?immigration? are done in the US with over 11,100,000 globally.? What trusted immigration news & advice sites would you recommend to help people navigate the web to get a foundation of what to do before speaking with a licensed immigration attorney for specific advice?

Answer 1:

The Internet can be overwhelming, especially with a topic as broad and varied as immigration.? When using the Internet to begin your research and investigation, I recommend being as specific as possible when creating search terms.? Even though I practice immigration law exclusively, there are areas within this field that I do not handle.? Unfortunately, there are very few news websites I would recommend because, with the 24/7 news reporting method, it?s often difficult to provide concrete answers when so much is determined on a case-by-case basis.? However, there are two organizations I would recommend to get started:? Immigrant Law Resource Center at; and American Immigration, LLC, Next, I would recommend immigration-related websites such as or similar sites for government agencies that also deal with immigration such as the Department of State, for example.

Question 2:
What Immigration questions would you suggest someone ask to a licensed immigration attorney to ensure they know the current immigration laws & policies?

Answer 2:

I appreciate the fact that you?re focusing on ?license immigration attorneys,? which tells me you are already aware of the problems with notarios, who may be able to conduct or to assist with legal transactions in foreign countries but which is not the case in the United States.? These folks claim to have special back channels to expedite or guarantee a favorable result.? These promises are not possible with the American immigration system.? At the same time, there are non-lawyers who have been through extensive training from the Board of Immigration Affairs, called Accredited Representatives, who are qualified to assist people with immigration issues.

Now, to address the heart of your question.? First, people need to conduct some research on their own to have a basic understanding of what immigration process you need assistance with so that you can communicate with your attorney.? In general, clients should ask whether the attorney has handled a similar immigration process previously, how many clients the attorney has handled similar situations, and whether those clients cases were resolved in favor of the client.? I would ask what the typical obstacles are applicants face when pursuing this type of process.? Lastly, I would engage them in a discussion about what they do to keep up on the changes in immigration law and policies: do they take any classes? Participate in discussion groups or training other attorneys?? Does the attorney participate in the American Immigrant Lawyers Association?

Question 3:
?Can you share an interesting client or industry immigration story?

Answer 3:
Without obtaining my client?s permission to share his/her situation, I cannot share their situation.? What I can tell you is that the people I have met through my immigration practice are some of the most sincere, hardworking, family-oriented people who simply want a better life for themselves and their families.

Question 4:
Being that this is an election year what political changes could you possible predict to help solve illegal immigration problems?

Answer 4:
Since the last ?amnesty day,? authorized in 1983 under President Ronald Regan, there are millions of people who are in the United States and are non-citizens.? There is an entire generation which is caught between a rock and a hard place: DREAMers.? The DREAM Act is for the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act and addresses the needs of those who were brought to the U.S. as children and who, for all intents and purposes, were raised as citizens but are not here legally.? As you likely know, on June 15, 2012, President Obama enacted a deferred action program for those who meet certain eligibility criteria.? This program does not grant a legal immigrant status; if eligible; it identifies and only allows requester the legitimate authority to work in the United States, to enroll in college and to pursue the dream they were raised with.

The first concern I have is whether this new deferred action program will remain in place if Mr. Romney becomes president.? Based on what has been stated to date, Mr. Romney has not made any statements of support of this policy nor has he committed to continuing it.? In light of how many people this policy will help, it would be calming to deferred action recipients to have a commitment to this program.

The second concern I have is that there is no one right solution to the various challenges we have with immigration.? For example, currently we have caps on the number of immigrants who can come to the United States to work.? This cap is fixed, regardless of the state of the American economy.? An option would be to have the cap flex ? increase or decrease ? dependent upon whether the economy is growing or contracting.

Next on my list would focus on agricultural workers; currently, the government only allows for temporary agricultural workers.? The maximum period of time those visa holders can remain in the United States is three years, with the expectation that visa holders do not work year round and they return to their country.? For most of us who live in urban or even suburban areas, we have little concept of what it takes to run and to sustain a successful farm operation.? There are so many agricultural jobs throughout the country that demand full-time, lesser-skilled employees, yet there is no viable visa available for them.

Lastly, regarding the large undocumented population not addressed through new policy, it would be more effective if the Obama deferred action policy was applied to the parents of DREAMers.? Contrary to the naysayers, this does not reward them with legal status but does allow them to work and continue their contributions to the economy, only legally.? For the DREAMer generation, an option might be to convert their deferred action status to a legal status, when it is time to renew their status, which is in two year (if the policy isn?t revoked).? This keeps in mind that the only way any of the DREAMers, or anyone else for that matter, will have the legal status is through congressional action.

Question 5:
Could you share some interesting immigration statistics?

I must admit that statistics are not my ?thing? because of my skepticism with the ability for people to manipulate numbers.? However, I have found that the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE), which is bipartisan, investigated the complexity of immigration and have shed a new light on the impact immigrants have on the economy.? Here is a sample of what they have found and brought to light:

??? ?When we typically thing of an entrepreneur, we think of small business owners who employ others.? Yet in the US, there is no visa option for foreign nationals to start small business.? If you have at least $1 million to invest in the U.S., then you can apply for an EB-5 visa.? Or, if you?re from certain treaty nations and are able to invest enough in your own business, then you can apply for an E-2 visa.
??? ?To apply for an H-2B visa, for temporary/seasonal, nonagricultural workers, it takes approximately eight weeks and at least $2,500.00 per applicant.? PNAE?s research found that under this current system and backlog, one in three small businesses would close or reduce hours due to the lack of help.
??? ?A 2010 study by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco found areas with higher immigration have higher wages for native workers because immigration leads to greater specialization and productivity.? From 1990 to 2007, immigration was associated with an increase of about $5,100 in the yearly income of the average U.S. worker in constant 2005 dollars. The same study found no evidence that immigrants hurt employment rates or hours-per-worker for U.S.-born workers.

Guest Post Author Bio:

expert immigration attorney

Guest Post From Expert Immigration Attorney

Christine Swenson has practiced law for more than 15 years. She was a prosecutor in Tucson, Arizona, and in the greater Denver metro area for more than six years when she changed her focus to education.? She has been a vocal supporter of victims? rights throughout her career. Christine recently opened her own practice as a result of her work with victims of crime and the opportunity for them to obtain a U Visa. This work has reignited her passion for immigrants and the struggles and prejudices they face in the United States, which prompted her to focus her practice exclusively on immigration law.? Check out her blog to keep up with her work with victims, DREAMers, and other immigrants.


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Plenty of on the internet affiliate marketers develop into impatient and fail. You will need to know your strengths and weaknesses, what issues are you very good at and what are your skills and capabilities related to your chosen niche. Essentially the most important thing is you will need to possess a strong desire and will to succeed in affiliate promoting.

To be an affiliate marketer will not be a simple job. You will need to study the techniques of promoting your product or service. There are various marketers out there promoting their techniques of promoting, 1 really should be cautious in attempting to jump on every single strategy. To become a profitable affiliate marketer, you need to find out how you can listen and to be taught due to the fact in life we need to understand abilities to get by.

An affiliate marketer ought to know the way to properly market their item; an effective marketing and advertising strategy will get a huge number of guests to view their product which equates to extra sales. Developing and publishing your personal web-site will make a bigger opportunity of producing money online more rapidly. Avoiding the same blunders of other affiliates is advised; numerous are just in it to get a swift buck and fail to create a extended term small business. It?s vital to understand that you?re building a extended term business enterprise. It?s crucial to focus on what will tends to make you many sales every day and not the couple of dollars you?ll make in one sale.

It?s also better to have knowledge on the way to upsell your guests for high-priced services. This will likely distinguish you as an specialist towards the field which will enable you to sell extra products and make extra income. You will find some people thinks that just by having affiliate links on their site will bring them excellent earnings. It can be correct that some affiliates do make very good revenue this way, but many still think that it is actually more efficient to utilize a robust marketing and advertising campaign in order to be thriving. Affiliate marketers who treat their on the internet visitors or consumers as friends are far more effective than these who don?t. Establish a relationship with shoppers and especially with the visitors for your web site. Developing an excellent business enterprise relationship with clients will bring that customer back again and once again.

You should also be creative. The genuine essential to getting productive with affiliate marketing and advertising is usually to create a great content material based web page and weave your affiliate links into all your content material. Offering your guests with great, high quality, and updated content material will keep them coming back to your web site. Affiliate promoting can be a lengthy term lucrative and profitable organization. Do you may have what it takes to succeed


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Monday, August 27, 2012

5 Best Travel Apps for Business Owners ? Firmology | Small ...

  • SMB Startup Watch: Lettuce is a Simple & Visually Stunning Order Management System for Small Businesses

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    Firmology?s SMB Startup Watch?profiles newly launched or emerging startups in the SMB (small and medium-sized business) technology space. The best business ideas stem from solving a problem that persistently proves to be a pain point in day-to-day business operations. That?s exactly what happened...

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  • SMB Startup Watch: Glyder Helps Small Businesses Create Beautiful Online Marketing Campaigns

    SMB Startup Watch: Glyder Helps Small Businesses Create Beautiful Online Marketing Campaigns

    Firmology?s SMB Startup Watch profiles newly launched or emerging startups in the SMB (small and medium-sized business) technology space. Unlike large companies that have an entire marketing department, creative design resources and a large budget, most small businesses lack all three. Small business...

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  • Microsoft Has Reached 10 Million Users

    Microsoft Has Reached 10 Million Users

    It?s been 2 weeks since Microsoft declared war on Google?s Gmail and launched How are they doing? has reached 10 million users. Since we launched the? preview?two weeks ago, we have been truly humbled by the reception. We?ve received hundreds of great...

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  • Qualaroo (Formerly KISSinsights) Changes Pricing Plan and Releases Enhancements for Free Users

    Qualaroo (Formerly KISSinsights) Changes Pricing Plan and Releases Enhancements for Free Users

    Qualaroo, the online survey and customer feedback tool for businesses, has rolled out some changes to their pricing plan. The tech company was formerly known as KISSinsights, but had to change its name as part of the acquisition deal between CatchFree and KISSmetrics. The main changes Qualaroo announced...

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  • Hireology?s Integration With Indeed Gives Businesses Huge Exposure to Their Job Postings

    Hireology?s Integration With Indeed Gives Businesses Huge Exposure to Their Job Postings

    Not sure how we missed this announcement in late May, but apparently Hireology announced an integration with Indeed. That?s HUGE. We originally mentioned their integration with CareerBuilder, which is great, but who knows how effective job boards like that and Monster are now-a-days for sourcing...

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  • inDinero Ends Free Pricing and Will Delete All Transactional Data for Non-Paying Users

    inDinero Ends Free Pricing and Will Delete All Transactional Data for Non-Paying Users

    InDinero, the financial dashboard for small businesses, will end free pricing and delete all transactional data for non-paying users. The Silicon Valley-based tech startup, founded by Jessica Mah and Andy Su, gives small business?owners insight into their day-to-day cash flow, transaction history,...

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  • Hiring Platform Hireology Announces Integration With Job Site CareerBuilder

    Hiring Platform Hireology Announces Integration With Job Site CareerBuilder

    It was just last week that we wrote about Hireology?s new feature where small businesses can?order job candidate background checks on Hireology. Looks like they?re pumping out product updates fast ahead of Chicago?s TechWeek conference! (I?ll be there writing about small business...

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  • Businesses Can Now Order Job Candidate Background Checks on Hireology

    Businesses Can Now Order Job Candidate Background Checks on Hireology

    Small businesses can now order job candidate background checks on Hireology. Hireology helps small businesses ?make better hiring decisions? with an all-in-one hiring platform to?list jobs, accept resumes, create customized interview guides and rank potential job candidates. The?Chicago-based?web-based...

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  • You Can Now Attach Expense Receipts as PDFs to Your FreshBooks Invoices

    You Can Now Attach Expense Receipts as PDFs to Your FreshBooks Invoices

    FreshBooks, the online invoicing software for small businesses, has introduced a new feature that will make many frustrated business professionals jump for joy. You can now attach expense receipts as PDFs to your FreshBooks invoices. ?This might not seem like that big of a deal, until you realize...

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  • Social CRM App Nimble Now Available as a Google Chrome Extension

    Social CRM App Nimble Now Available as a Google Chrome Extension

    Nimble, the Santa Monica, California-based Social CRM app, is now available as a Google Chrome Extension in the?Google Chrome Web Store. Nimble is a web-based social CRM (customer relationship management) app that lets small businesses manage their contacts, calendars, communications and social conversations...

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  • The Most Ridiculously Easy-to-Use Billing and Invoicing App on the Web

    The Most Ridiculously Easy-to-Use Billing and Invoicing App on the Web

    I was browsing?Sarah?s FAVES?and stumbled upon?Billable, quite simply the?most ridiculously easy-to-use small business billing and invoicing app on the web. Created by South Africa?s?Peter Pistorius and Barbara Cilliers of Appfactory, Billable?s motto is?Billing Made Simple. Period....

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  • HR/Recruiting Platform Hireology Releases Several New Features Including Candidate Assessments

    HR/Recruiting Platform Hireology Releases Several New Features Including Candidate Assessments

    Hireology, the Chicago-based?high-powered HR/recruiting platform, released several new features recently including candidate assessments, customized email templates, non-numeric input for job compensation and an overhauled reference check guide. Whether a sales test, administrative skills test, legal...

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  • LinkedIn Relaunches CardMunch, the iPhone App That Will End the Use of Business Cards

    LinkedIn Relaunches CardMunch, the iPhone App That Will End the Use of Business Cards

    Although I was excited to get my first batch of Firmology business cards (free from Moo!), I dislike carrying them around and dislike collecting business cards from people I meet. ?The cards just end up as wasted paper in scattered piles at the office, at home, in my laptop bag or straight in the trash. As...

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  • How Your Small Business Can Mail and Ship Like a Heavyweight

    How Your Small Business Can Mail and Ship Like a Heavyweight

    Editor?s Note: This guest post is by Shayna Burns and the team at?, the official site for Pitney Bowes small business?postage machines, mailing systems, PC postage and other postal equipment. You may be running your business like a champ, but are you missing out on small wins,...

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  • 37signals Launches LinkedIn Profiles in Highrise

    37signals Launches LinkedIn Profiles in Highrise

    37signals, the Chicago-based small business web application company, has launched LinkedIn profiles in Highrise, its web-based contact manager or customer relationship management (CRM) software. The new feature let?s users see the LinkedIn profile of a contact by adding their LinkedIn profile URL...

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  • Hireology Releases Two New Features: Interview Editing & Hospitality Job Industry Options

    Hireology Releases Two New Features: Interview Editing & Hospitality Job Industry Options

    Hireology, the Chicago-based?high-powered HR/recruiting platform, released two new features yesterday: interview editing and hospitality job industry options. Hospitality job family, as they officially call it, is a preloaded database of information for the hospitality industry. ?If your small...

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  • inDinero Users Can Now Track Their Receipts [BONUS: Win a $300 AmEx Gift Card]

    inDinero Users Can Now Track Their Receipts [BONUS: Win a $300 AmEx Gift Card]

    InDinero, the easy-to-use financial dashboard for small businesses, has announced that users can now upload and track their receipts on inDinero. The Silicon Valley-based tech startup is essentially the for small business. ?Small business owners can gain an understanding of the vital signs...

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  • FeeFighters Launches Samurai, Online Payment Gateway for Credit Card Processing

    FeeFighters Launches Samurai, Online Payment Gateway for Credit Card Processing

    FeeFighters, the Chicago-based comparison shopping site for credit card processing, recently launched a new payment gateway option for online merchants called Samurai,?joining other tech companies like Braintree in cleaning up the notoriously unscrupulous payments industry. FeeFighters has been...

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  • Hireology Officially Launches New Pricing Plans

    Hireology Officially Launches New Pricing Plans

    Hireology, the?high-powered HR/recruiting platform based in Chicago, officially released their new pricing plans on their product blog on Tuesday. ?We reported last week that Hireology sent a head?s up email to its free beta customer program users that the program was ending on September...

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  • HR/Recruiting Platform Hireology Ends Beta Customer Program and Unveils Pricing Model

    HR/Recruiting Platform Hireology Ends Beta Customer Program and Unveils Pricing Model

    Hireology, the high-powered HR/recruiting platform based in Chicago, announced that it is ending its free beta customer program on September 21st and unveiled its pricing model going forward. ?In an email today, the service thanked its users for making the beta program a huge success, and after...

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  • LawPivot is the Q&A Site for Your Small Business Legal Questions

    LawPivot is the Q&A Site for Your Small Business Legal Questions

    I attended Chicago?s TechWeek conference recently and met the team behind LawPivot, a Silicon Valley based startup founded by Jay Mandal, the former lead mergers and acquisitions lawyer for Apple. ?LawPivot is essentially the Quora of legal advice or for those not as familiar with the tech scene,...

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  • Hireology Makes Small Business Hiring Easy with High-Powered HR/Recruiting Platform

    Hireology Makes Small Business Hiring Easy with High-Powered HR/Recruiting Platform

    Some business owners think they are a good judge of a job candidate?s skill set, work ethic and culture fit. Unfortunately, most of us are horrible at it. While big corporations spend millions of dollars on building out their HR department, recruiting commissions, standardized hiring templates...

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  • Braintree Simplifies Credit Card Payment Processing for Small Business

    Braintree Simplifies Credit Card Payment Processing for Small Business

    One of the most frustrating and confusing steps of launching a business is navigating the treacherous waters of the online payments industry. ?The industry is notorious for high pressure sales tactics, sky-high merchant fees, confusing terms and ironclad contracts. ?I experienced this firsthand when...

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  • inDinero Provides a Simple Way For Small Businesses to Track Their Finances

    inDinero Provides a Simple Way For Small Businesses to Track Their Finances

    Ever since launched a simple and intuitive site for individuals to track their personal finances, many small business owners have been looking for a similar service or tool to track their finances. ?While there are plenty of finance tools available on the market, most mom and pop businesses...

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  • Can?t Afford Traditional PR For Your Small Business? Try a Little Bitesize PR.

    Can?t Afford Traditional PR For Your Small Business? Try a Little Bitesize PR.

    What small business owner wouldn?t love to have their business mentioned in a newspaper, magazine or online news article?? The problem for most small businesses is that they either can?t afford, or refuse to budget for, a traditional PR firm that will cost them thousands of dollars in monthly...

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    LG's Game World landing on its own Smart TVs

    DNP LG Gameworld

    LG has just announced Game World, a new Smart TV portal that's only available to Cinema 3D Smart TV owners. The service will let users snap up downloadable games in categories such as action, RPG or arcade, then play them in 2D or 3D with the company's Magic Remote or other third-party controller. The service is not to be confused with LG's Gaikai cloud gaming service, and the company said most of the titles will be family-friendly. Mind you, that looks like Shadowgun on the main page above, so there's clearly some grown-up only entertainment, too.

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    LG's Game World landing on its own Smart TVs originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 27 Aug 2012 13:51:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Sunday, August 26, 2012

    Important Guidelines And Importance Of an Iridium Satellite Service ...

    The rapid breakthroughs in engineering have empowered people to communicate from any place in the world. Satellites, specifically iridium satellites, make communication quite easy. The main benefit of an Iridium satellite is that it lets individuals communicate practically from any put in place the world, perhaps including the Southerly and the North Poles. With the aid of the satellite tv for pc, people may also communicate through voice and text.

    The active mobile communication, which is possible with these satellites, is becoming popular among companies that depend upon emergency companies and tragedy recovery. You may use such geostationary satellites in many ways. As an example, the satellite tv for pc provides Text message service and in many cases installs SOS, which assists in location awareness. To acquire data communication and international voice amenities, they use distinctive satellite transceivers.

    Iridium number of satellites also have various other indicates through which they provide effective info transfers and communication. By way of example, with the help of the marine antenna, you can get quick, global seafaring service. They?re special transmitters, created such that they?re simple to set up, lightweight and can also be combined with many other methods. So, if you are traveling, the particular Iridium satellite is among the most versatile unit for effective data transfer and communication.

    You can get more information about the satellite about the official website. You will be able to discover all kinds of web template modules and modems that they can use; and you will probably also find information on info and tone of voice services, suited to your requirements.

    If you wish to know more regarding monitoring and tracking, you can find information on the different devices that will support Gps navigation position credit reporting. You can get more details about Gps navigation reporting as well as the stores that will sell distinctive equipment suited to these geostationary satellites on the standard website from the company. It is important to find liable communication equipment if you are traveling to remote locations since your basic safety mainly is determined by communicating with companies and crisis services which will help you when ever an accident or even a disaster occurs. Due to these satellites, traveling to remote areas has become simple and easy , safer.

    Incoming messages coming from an iridium phone are free, which is good for you to cut your phone bill. You can also send one particular message to be able to multiple individuals using the several message alternative in the Iridium satellite tv for pc. Using Iridium cell phones are your smartest choice when you are journeying since they do not trouble an individual with online connectivity issues.

    Ryan Hall have been a expert psychologist for 5 years and have been writing perfect ideas in iridium phone in part with his affiliation with Creative Ideas Team ,a new creative team for developing people. Read more about his website to find out about his iridium satellite phone tips over the years.


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    Social media 'useful for customer service' | TomorrowToday's New ...

    I was recently interviewed by Adfero, the UK?s leading dedicated online news provider, ?on how companies will utilise technologies like social media to improve their customer service/target their marketing better in the coming years. You can read the full interview and my answers below. They are useful questions for any business contemplating how they can use social media to improve customer service and I hope you find the answers below helpful in the discussions and ideas you are generating within your business.

    ?- Is social media still in its infancy in terms of business usage?

    Some businesses rapidly identified it?s business potential as a way in striking up a conversation and strengthening relationships with customers and staff. Zappos (an US online shoe company sold to Amazon for $1bn) are one of the pioneers in using social media. The CEO Tony Hseih has over 2.5 million followers? the reason he has so many followers is he get?s what social media is all about ? connecting NOT sales. Looking at Tony Hseih?s twitter stream you will notice that he doesn?t promote Zappos or their products. He uses it as a channel to share his dreams, aspirations, passions and thoughts with both customers and staff. Zappos intimately understand that social media is about transparence, trust and timing. What we call the 3Ts. For example Zapoos was the victim of a cyber attack. Rather than just send out a PR notice or email to customers/staff and hide try the event, Tony broadcasted the news immediately (timing) over twitter explaining what they were doing about it. Communication sent to internal staff was also made visible in the social media space (not behind the company?s firewall) ensuring complete transparency which in turn builds trust. Zappos also encourages staff to have twitter accounts and set up YouTube channels and to take videos of them working ? again The leaders at Zappos recognise that effective relationships are about trust and treating people as intelligent individuals who can and do make intelligent decisions if treated like adults. I don?t get the majority of companies who ban facebook, twitter etc. Social media is the way in which today?s young generation of talent communicate and get their news. Imagine if newspapers had been banned from the workplace 20 years ago. Back then managers would come into work and get a coffee and read the daily news. Banning social media today makes no sense at all.Treating employees like adults however, does make sense. Trust is a massive competitive advantage in today?s workplace. The companies that go beyond the hype of social media and recognise it as a vehicle for building trust, dialogue and connections will be the winners of the future

    - How will companies utilise social media to better target their marketing in the coming years?

    Social media is not about marketing which is predominantly a push activity. Social media is about building relationships. It?s about listening to what customers are saying ? it is possibly the most brilliant research vehicle out there and it?s free for companies willing to take the time to listen. With the advent of social media, I believe that marketing as a function is actually dead (See my blog: Fire the Marketing department.)?Rather companies should start a ?partnering? department because the concept of partnering better describes and captures the essence of what social media brings to modern business. Social media allows companies to invite customers into their business to help them develop new products, advertising campaigns and even run parts of the business! ?Giffgaff is a mobile phone company run by it?s customers.?Giffgaff differs from conventional mobile phone operators in that the users of the service may also participate in certain aspects of the company?s operation, e.g. sales, customer service?and marketing.?In return for this involvement in the business, the user receives hard cash or extra talk minutes. I interviewed the CEO of GiffGaff and he told me that on average customer queries are answered by the GiffGaff customer community within 3 minutes. Not?many call centres can boast those service levels.

    - Can social media be a useful customer service tool?

    Absolutely. Zopa is a innovative financial services company that offers peer-to-peer lending. They encourage the use of Facebook and twitter in their customer service delivery. As soon as the customer service team discovers a person talking or complaining about Zopa they engage in conversation. This has two benefits ?- customers are impressed that Zopa is listening and prepared to act and as CEO Giles Andrews said to me because twitter only has 140 characters you get to the root of the problem very quickly.?

    Our research shows that social media is best used as for customer service and customer engagement, rather than marketing. Marketing?s 4p?s are rapidly being replaced by the 4E?s ? Experience, Everyplace, Evangelism and Exchange and social media is driving this change. I like the example of Heathrow Airport. They use twitter to follow what travellers are saying about Heathrow on twitter and they have a conversation with the travellers providing them with useful information, like which gate to go to or what is happening with a flight delay. They wish travellers safe trips and what I like the most about this example is the fact there is a real person who is passionate about having a discussion and helping customers have a more pleasant travelling experience as they enter or leave the UK.?

    You can read the article in Adfero here


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    Driven: Porsche Boxster Sports Chassis

    For all that puff about high-tech ?chassis control systems? presented to us last week by Porsche (well, it's been at least 24 hours since the last Porsche story... - Ed.) it?s interesting to note that for the new Sports Chassis option coming on the Boxster it reverts to passive dampers, rather than PASM. The German engineering team helping us navigate the technology brought this Sports Chassis equipped Boxster S to Silverstone too, providing an interesting comparison twixt the high-tech approach with active dampers and the more traditional ?ramp up the rates and off you go? Sports Chassis.

    As you?ll have seen from a previous blog, getting to the bottom of why passive dampers are considered better for a more focused set-up wasn?t an easy task, this being somewhat contrary to the party line that tech ? with a supporting cast of acronyms behind it ? is best. Indeed, in some ways this and the basic, no frills (relative) Carrera 2 were the elephants in the room, both proving in their own and very different ways how good Porsches stripped of all the electronic gubbins and tuned with good, old-fashioned engineering know-how can be.

    Harder, faster ... better?
    The Sports Chassis will be available from later in the year and although the hardware is apparently more straightforward than the PASM option we were told the price will be more or less comparable with the active dampers, which add ?971 to the price of a Boxster S. The implication seemed to be that the Sports Chassis would only be available on the S too.?

    You can check the numbers in the comparison table below, which details the changes brought by the Sports Chassis over both the standard and PASM options. And, on the face of it, it?s a significantly firmer set-up, not least in rear anti-roll which is 46 per cent stiffer than standard. Even the PASM chassis is only 10 per cent stiffer and this and significantly harder rear spring rates would suggest Porsche is dialling out some of the stock setting?s understeer to create a sharper, more incisive turn-in and generally pointier character.

    Strictly hardcore
    And, guess what, that?s exactly what it does. True, we didn?t get a chance to try it on the road so ? unfortunately - can?t comment right now on whether it?s a step too far for that default bumpy B-road. But on the smooth surfaces of Silverstone?s National loop the additional front-end is really noticeable, in both slower, tighter corners like the Luffield complex and higher-speed ones like Copse. An ambitious turn-in to either in the standard S induces obvious understeer that you just have to offset with a slower entry or sit out until you can pour in more power.

    But the Sport Chassis means the front end turns in with much more aggression and bite and you can get on the power sooner and harder. Transfer that to the road and though you?ll be trading a bit of comfort you?d have to hope that would also mean a bit more seat of the pants feel and less of the slightly inert, aloof detachment of the standard car, at least at vaguely sensible speeds. Higher limits on the track and a bit more feel and feedback on the road? Sounds like just the ticket if you want your Boxster a little sharper and akin to the Spyder/Cayman R in the previous models. ?

    Credit to Porsche for offering us the choice though. And if you want your Boxster as an all-rounder then PASM makes a lot of sense. If, however, you want something a bit sharper and intuitive, well, you can have that instead. Horses for courses and all that.

    ? PASM Sports Chassis
    Front axle height -10mm -20mm
    Rear axle height -10mm -20mm
    Spring rate front +12% +20%
    Spring rate rear +15% +25%
    Anti-roll bar front +12% +22%
    Anti-roll bar rear +10% +46%
    Dampers PASM 'Sport Set-up' (passive)
    ? ? ?

    Note: all values compared with standard, non-PASM suspension



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    Sachem Sports Club To Hold Two Field Hockey Events - Sachem ...

    Mark your calendars for August 31 if you have a daughter interested or already part of the Sachem Field Hockey community. On that Friday, the Sachem Sports Club will be holding a junior field hockey registration for the Fall 2012 Travel Team?at the Sachem East stadium. Registration to join the team is open to 4th, 5th and 6th graders of all levels of experience, including no experience. Games for the fall season are held on Sundays in both Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Home games are played at Sachem East High School. The registration process begins at 3:00 p.m., but space is limited. Registration costs $150, plus a $25 insurance fee to be made out separately. ?

    At that same time as the registration, Coach Tina Moon, her staff?and members of the varsity girl's field hockey team will be?conducting a clinic for up and coming players, grades 2-8. Cost for the clinic is $10, and there will be a raffle and prizes awarded.


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    Aaron ? Kidney Failure, Hypertension, Back Pain, Fatigue | Diet ...

    Patient with Kidney Failure and Hypertension has been on dialysis for many years. After the NBE treatment, he had increased energy, his back pain has greatly improved, his blood pressure is controlled with less medication, he is able to walk much longer and farther, and his dialysis time has also been decreased.
    Video Rating: 5 / 5



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