Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rick Perry Is Going Back to Texas

It's kind of poetic when you think about it. It was on the day of the Iowa Straw Poll on August 13th that Rick Perry announced his historic(ally entertaining) presidential campaign, after winning 4.3 percent of the vote as a write-in candidate.

And it's on the day of the Iowa caucuses five months later that his campaign comes to its end. Well, maybe not officially, but it's certainly unofficially official.

He's not moving on to New Hampshire (where, incidentally, Michele Bachmann seems to be going). He's going home to Texas. To look at his options. Has anybody ever gone to Texas to look at their options and then gone on to do anything worthwhile? ?I don't have the data in front of me, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no never ever.

And the really sad thing about it is that we just learned in that letter he read from that soldier guy how great he is! Why didn't he read that to us before?! We never knew!

Things could have turned out so differently!

Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images News/Getty Images


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