Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Eating more legumes may improve glycemic control, lower estimated heart disease risk

ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? Eating more legumes (such as beans, chickpeas or lentils) as part of a low-glycemic index diet appears to improve glycemic control and reduce estimated coronary heart disease (CHD) risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), according to a report of a randomized controlled trial published Online First by Archives of Internal Medicine, a JAMA Network publication.

Low glycemic index (GI) foods have been associated with improvement in glycemic control in patients with type 2 (DM) and have been recommended in many national DM guidelines, the authors write in the study background.

David J.A. Jenkins, M.D., of the University of Toronto and St. Michael's Hospital,Toronto,Canada, and colleagues conducted a randomized controlled trial of 121 patients with type 2 DM to test the effect of eating more legumes on glycemic control, serum (blood) lipid levels and blood pressure (BP).

Patients were randomized to either a low-GI legume diet that encouraged patients to increase eating legumes by at least one cup a day or to increase insoluble fiber by eating whole wheat products for three months. Changes in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) values were the primary outcome measure and calculated CHD risk score was the secondary outcome.

"In conclusion, legume consumption of approximately 190 g per day (1 cup) seems to contribute usefully to a low-GI diet and reduce CHD risk through a reduction in BP," the authors note.

The low-GI legume diet reduced HbA1c values by -0.5 percent and the high wheat fiber diet reduced HbA1c values by -0.3 percent. The respective CHD risk reduction on the low-GI legume diet was -0.8 percent, largely because of a greater relative reduction in systolic blood pressure on the low-GI legume diet compared with the high wheat fiber diet (-4.5 mm Hg), the study results indicate.

"These findings linking legume consumption to both improved glycemic control and reduced CHD risk are particularly important because type 2 DM is increasing most rapidly in the urban environments of populations in which bean intake has traditionally been high (e.g. India, Latin America, the Pima Indians of Arizona)," the authors conclude. "Support for the continued use of such foods in traditional bean-eating communities, together with their reintroduction into the Western diet, could therefore be justified even if the effect on glycemia is relatively small, given the magnitude of the problem and the need for acceptable dietary options, especially those options that may also have a BP and cardiovascular advantage."

Commentary: Diabetes Nutrition Therapy

In an invited commentary, Marion J. Franz, M.S., R.D., C.D.E, Nutrition Concepts by Franz Inc., Minneapolis, Minn., writes: "The importance of the glycemic index (GI) and fiber in diabetes mellitus (DM) nutrition therapy has been controversial."

"Legumes, as documented in the study by Jenkins et al, are components of a healthy eating pattern for people with DM and the general public. Whether people with DM can eat the amount necessary to improve glycemic control is debatable, and, if legumes do improve glycemia, is it because of their low GI or high soluble fiber content?" the commentary goes on to state.

"Nutrition therapy for DM is effective. However, just as there is no one medication or insulin regimen appropriate for all persons with DM, there is no one nutrition therapy intervention. A variety of nutrition therapy interventions have been shown to be effective. Nutrition education and counseling must be sensitive to the personal needs and cultural preferences of individuals and their ability to make and sustain lifestyle changes," Franz concludes.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by JAMA and Archives Journals.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal References:

  1. Jenkins DA, Kendall CC, Augustin LA, et al. Effect of Legumes as Part of a Low Glycemic Index Diet on Glycemic Control and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Archives of Internal Medicine, 2012; DOI: 10.1001/2013.jamainternmed.70
  2. Franz MJ. Diabetes Mellitus Nutrition Therapy: Beyond the Glycemic Index. Archives of Internal Medicine, 2012; DOI: 10.1001/2013.jamainternmed.871

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Heard on the Hill: Black Student Union still crowns homecoming royalty; regents creating faculty award; Dole Institute opens exhibit on McGovern

Your daily dose of news, notes and links from around Kansas University.

? In our look at old KU homecoming traditions this past weekend, we mentioned that 1969 was the last time KU crowned a homecoming queen.

But that's not quite the end of the story, as at least one group still crowns homecoming royalty at KU.

The University Daily Kansan reported Monday on the Black Student Union's annual Homecoming Pageant, at which a queen and a king, as well as a prince and princess, are named.

Junior Sierra Franklin and senior Will Nelson are this year's queen and king.

The pageant tradition dates to the fateful year of 1969, an African and African-American studies associate professor explained before the event, according to the Kansan report. That's when the BSU, frustrated with a process that had never resulted in even a nomination for a black student, conducted its own crowning process for a homecoming queen.

? KU faculty will soon have a new annual honor to shoot for.

The Kansas Board of Regents will begin awarding a "Faculty of the Year" award to two faculty members at each of its institutions ? one tenured member and one untenured.

KU's Faculty Senate gets to set the criteria for the award.

Andrew Torrance, a law professor who's serving as president of that body, said at a committee meeting Tuesday he'd like the honor to be something "holistic," to set it apart from other awards at KU that honor professors specifically for their research or for their teaching.

? With impressive speed, the Dole Institute of Politics announced Tuesday it has assembled a memorial exhibit about George McGovern, the former U.S. senator and Democratic presidential candidate who died Sunday at the age of 90.

The exhibit concentrates on McGovern's efforts to end hunger worldwide, with which received help from Bob Dole, his friend from across the aisle. McGovern received the institute's Dole Leadership Prize in 2004.

The exhibit is free and open through Nov. 15, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. A tribute page including photos from the institute's archives is also available online.

? You can compete for Heard on the Hill's Tipster of the Year Award* if you send those tips to

*Award does not actually exist.

Copyright 2012 The Lawrence Journal-World. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. We strive to uphold our values for every story published.


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Fighting flares in Lebanese city over Syria loyalties

TRIPOLI, Lebanon (Reuters) - Four people were killed and 15 wounded in overnight gun battles in the Lebanese city of Tripoli in a second night of fighting between Sunni and Alawite gunmen loyal to different sides in the war in neighboring Syria, a military source said on Tuesday.

In the capital Beirut, tension eased after troops fanned out across the city to clear the streets of gunmen who had clashed on Sunday night.

The violence flared after Friday's assassination in central Beirut of senior Lebanese security official Wissam al-Hassan, who was opposed to the Syrian leadership.

The bombing and the ensuing clashes brought the civil war in Syria into the heart of Lebanon and triggered a political crisis, with the opposition demanding the resignation of the mostly pro-Damascus cabinet of Prime Minister Najib Mikati.

The fighting in Tripoli - Mikati's hometown - took place between the neighboring areas of Bab al-Tabbaneh, a Sunni Muslim stronghold, and Jebel Mohsen, an Alawite district.

Three Sunnis and one Alawite were killed and 15 people were wounded, a military medical source told Reuters. Residents said combatants traded machinegun-fire and rocket-propelled grenades.

On Tuesday morning, Tripoli's centre was busy and traffic moved freely but the city remained volatile. Soldiers in helmets and flak jackets kept watch and tanks and armored vehicles mounted with heavy machine guns were parked in the streets.

Shops close to the combat zone were shuttered and the area blocked off with what people called "Bullet Checkpoints" - streets where they feared to go for fear of snipers.

The fruit market on the front line was closed and teenagers in t-shirts with guns hid behind buildings to peek out up the hill into Jebel Mohsen.

Tripoli's Sunni Muslims support the Syrian rebels fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, who are mostly from Syria's Sunni majority.

Assad is a member of the Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam. He can count on the support of Hezbollah, a powerful Shi'ite Islamist armed group that is part of the Mikati government, as well as other Shi'ites and Alawites in Lebanon's complex sectarian and political mix.


The overnight violence in Tripoli - which has suffered previous bouts of fighting since the Syrian conflict started 19 months ago - brought the toll there to at least 10 dead and 65 wounded since Friday.

Lebanon is still haunted by its 1975-1990 civil war, which made Beirut a byword for carnage and wrecked large parts of the city. Many Lebanese fear the Syrian war will propel their country back to those days, destroying their efforts to rebuild it as a centre of trade, finance and tourism with a measure of democracy.

Opposition politicians have accused Syria of being behind Friday's killing of Brigadier General Hassan, who had worked to counter Syrian influence in Lebanon.

A Sunni Muslim, he helped to uncover a bomb plot that led to the arrest and indictment in August of a pro-Assad former Lebanese minister.

He also led an investigation that implicated Syria and Hezbollah in the 2005 assassination of Rafik al-Hariri, a former prime minister of Lebanon.

Mikati, who is also a Sunni Muslim, had personal ties to the Assad family before he became prime minister in January last year. His cabinet includes Hezbollah as well as Christian and other Shi'ite politicians close to Damascus.

He offered to resign at the weekend to make way for a government of national unity but President Michel Suleiman persuaded him to stay in office to allow time for talks on a way out of the political crisis.

If he were to stand down before an alternative was worked out, it would mean the collapse of the political compromise that has kept the peace in Lebanon.

Free Patriotic Movement parliamentarian Michel Aoun, a Christian politician and an ally of Hezbollah, said Lebanon could not live with such a power vacuum, and noted that forming a new government could take six months or more.

"What happened (Hassan's assassination) constitutes a security setback but if there was a vacuum, maybe the country would be in chaos," he told the Beirut Daily Star newspaper.


Although the two dueling Tripoli neighborhoods have old grievances, there is growing resentment among some residents against Mikati and his connection with the Iranian-backed Hezbollah, led by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

A protest camp of about 15 tents has been set up outside the prime minister's house.

One protester, Azam Karali, a 47-year-old Sunni jewelry shop owner, said he would stay there until Mikati resigns.

"It was Tripoli that brought him to power but he has now gone to March 8," he said, referring to a group of political parties including Hezbollah who are close to Syria.

Karali is a member of Tayyar al-Mustaqbel, a group aligned with the opposition March 14 movement, an alliance of political parties many of whom support the uprising in Syria.

"We want our politics to be Lebanese. We don't want Syrian interference, or even American, Iranian, Saudi, whatever," he said.

Posters of the assassinated intelligence chief were plastered on walls all over the city.

"Assad, Nasrallah and Iran made that bomb and we have now lost our protector," said Abu Marwan, a car seller who had been at the protest camp since Saturday.

But a man called Bassam, an architect, said he was an avid Mikati supporter and he believed 70 percent of the city supported him.

"This is Mikati's city. He helps us," he said, speaking in a coffee shop. "Tell me, where is the evidence that this bomb was Syrian made?"

(Writing by Angus MacSwan; Editing by Jon Hemming)


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Fisher College of Business | My Fisher Grad Life blog ? Accounting ...

The first session of the fall semester in the Fisher MAcc program ended just last week. I remembered that at the beginning of the session one of recommendations that I received is to get out of my comfort zone and to challenge myself, and that is why I choose to take three accounting courses and two non-accounting courses in the first session. From those two non-accounting courses, I found the most valuable thing I have learned is to broaden my horizon.

At first, no matter what class I took, the first thing that comes to my mind is numbers. When I took Logistics Management, I cannot stop thinking about inventory turnover ratios, and I am more interested in computing numbers, such as EOQ and Safety Stock Level. When I took Six Sigma class, I tend to focus more on financial impacts than operating impacts, even though the operating impacts are indispensable part of Six Sigma analysis. I found that after years of learning accounting, I become narrow-minded.

On the contrary, MBA students in my classes are able to think out of their own expertise and to consider company?s overall situation, and that is what I lack most (and probably a function of little prior work experience prior to taking these classes) ? developing an ?overall? point of view. In both Logistics Managements and Six Sigma classes, considering overall interest and situation of the company is necessary. What I mean by overall interest and situation does not only include company?s hard (e.g. money) and soft (e.g. human) resources, but also include its impacts on suppliers, customers, and competitors. For example, when you make forecast on next month production, you have to consider company?s inventory level. You have to consider whether your suppliers have enough resources to provide and what the unit price for that resource. You also need to consider your customers? demands. Here, managing supplier-manufacturer-customer relationships is as important as managing revenue and cost analysis.

In the end, I hope that after reading my blog current and future MAcc students can understand why non-accounting courses are indispensable part of the curriculum, and I encourage everyone to get out of your comfort zone and try something different. I believe that you will find a different way to think. And your education will be much better for it.


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Industrial-Bellwether Caterpillar Explains What's ... - Business Insider

Caterpillar just came out with earnings, and they were weak.

Revenue missed expectations, and the company cut its EPS outlook.

Via its extended earnings release, here's what the company says is happening in China:


Are you seeing any signs of improvement in your China sales for construction? What are your expectations for the fourth quarter and into 2013?

Sales in China remained weak in the third quarter and below the third quarter of 2011. While our sales and dealer deliveries remained at low levels, finished inventory in our Product Distribution Center (PDC) in China and dealer inventories declined during the third quarter. While we have reduced production in China substantially, we have not seen an improvement in sales yet, and, as a result, the inventory reduction in China is slower than we had expected.

On a positive note, although sales of excavators remain weak, we have done better than the overall excavator industry in China, particularly with mid-size and large excavators.

We remain very positive on long-term industry growth in China and our strategy to grow our business there. Our plans for the remainder of 2012 reflect a continued orderly ramp down of production that considers our entire supply chain in China. Given the current low rate of sales and the production ramp down, it will likely take the rest of 2012 and continuing into 2013 to reduce inventory to levels more in line with sales.

While the industry is down and will likely remain down for the balance of 2012, we are encouraged by recent actions that the Chinese government has taken to improve growth. They have lowered bank reserve requirements, increased infrastructure investment and have cut interest rates. We expect they will continue to ease policy to help improve growth in their economy. Those actions will likely lead to better growth in the construction industry in 2013.


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Important Self Help Tips That Everyone Should Know | The Corner ...

You want to be described as a greater man or woman. Personal development is crucial not just to yourself as well as their loved ones, but in addition for the general success in the community that they are living in. The advice offered in this article is perfect for any individual that cares about their selves along with the individuals around them.

Issuing your inside energy is as simple as thinking in yourself. One of the primary points you must do is listing your strengths and weaknesses. This list by itself can help you recognize precisely how absolutely potent you are and simply what you can do. And with the set of weak points useful you can focus on each one to small by small get a sense of power above them. For motivation and focus use abrain machine.

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Take some time out to unwind. Overworking yourself is not merely terrible for your health, but it can make basic tasks very much tougher. Your thoughts are only able to work on one particular thing for a whole lot time. You want a pleasure time to clear out your mind and to return to your work restored and ready to go.


Self improvement implies studying to reside in the world being a cooler, far more collected edition of oneself. To help you about this pathway, take into account learning some meditation strategies. Meditation can help you center your sensation of personal and carry you even closer the psychological baseline you want to see oneself at. It is also a beneficial tool for dealing with anxiety and stress.


Getting self esteem could be as basic as getting up every morning and compelling yourself to write down a single positive thought about on your own. With time, these excellent thoughts will start to outnumber the negative thoughts and your human brain will quickly automatically believe in a manner. Poor self confidence is really a hard thing to fight though with a single small stage each day it really is possible.

In summary, there is absolutely no much better method to develop a much better daily life instead of start off in oneself. It?s what you sense on the inside that is vital. Hopefully you will come apart with many new thoughts on how to advancement your own private improvement and ways to contribute favorably to individuals around you.

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Klein, No. 4 K-State rout No. 17 WVU 55-14

Kansas State's Tyler Lockett (16) is brought down by West Virginia's Karl Joseph during the second quarter of an NCAA college football game in Morgantown, W.Va., Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Christopher Jackson)

Kansas State's Tyler Lockett (16) is brought down by West Virginia's Karl Joseph during the second quarter of an NCAA college football game in Morgantown, W.Va., Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Christopher Jackson)

West Virginia quaterback Geno Smith (12) and Kansas State quaterback Collin Klein (7) meet prior to the coin toss at an NCAA college football game in Morgantown, W.Va., Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Christopher Jackson)

Kansas State wide receiver Tyler Lockett, left, catches a pass next to West Virginia linebacker Isaiah Bruce (31) during the first quarter of an NCAA college football game in Morgantown, W.Va., Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Christopher Jackson)

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) ? The final touchdown pass drew only a slight first pump from Collin Klein. It was still the third quarter, but Milan-Puskar Stadium was half-empty. Most of the West Virginia fans had seen enough of a game that had turned into a Heisman campaign ad for the Kansas State quarterback.

Klein threw for a career-high 323 yards and three touchdowns and ran for four scores as No. 4 Kansas State got little resistance from No. 17 West Virginia in a 55-14 victory Saturday night.

The Wildcats (7-0, 4-0 Big 12) made it look easy. Klein completed 19-of-21 passes, and added 41 yards rushing.

"I think we all felt comfortable tonight," he said. "The coaches did a great job of building a game plan and putting us in positions to succeed."

No doubt. The Wildcats scored on their first eight possessions, including seven straight touchdowns.

"He doesn't do anything wrong," West Virginia coach Dana Holgorsen said of Klein. "He's hard to tackle. He gets them in good plays. He doesn't turn the ball over. You can say what you want to about the throwing motion but it goes exactly where he wants it go. He's a good football player."

Way too good for West Virginia to stop.

It was no surprise the Mountaineers (5-2, 2-2) were awful on defense, it's been that way all season. For the second straight game, though, Geno Smith and the offense did nothing to keep it close.

Smith followed up a clunker at Texas Tech last week with an even worse game, throwing his first two interceptions of the season and finishing 21 for 32 for 143 yards. The senior has gone from Heisman Trophy front-runner to long shot in two weeks.

"We talked about it all week. Don't get impatient. Don't get impatient," Holgorsen said. "You have the ball a couple of times and you look up there and you're down 17 points and you start pressing. It's inevitable.

"We're trying to score 14 points in one play."

Kansas State made it 52-7 with 2:25 left in the third quarter when Klein hit Tyler Lockett over the middle for a 20-yard score. Klein turned toward his sideline and gave a modest shake of his fist before joining his teammates to celebrate.

By that point a long line cars was creeping out of the parking lot. The only section of the stadium that was still filled, was covered in KSU purple.

The optimism and excitement that was pumping through Morgantown a couple of weeks ago is gone.

In Manhattan, Kan., it's all good, and everything is on the table for coach Bill Snyder's team. The Wildcats are the only unbeaten team in the Big 12. Their quarterback is the Heisman front-runner. And with five games left on the schedule, the Wildcats are serious national title contenders.

The first meeting since 1931 of the new Big 12 rivals was so lopsided that by the time it was over it was hard to even remember that it started as a battle for first in the conference.

On one side was Klein, aka Optimus Klein, the Wildcats' methodical battering ram, whose passes don't look like much, but usually find their target.

On the other side was Smith, the future NFL first-round draft pick with the video game passing statistics.

But Klein got to face West Virginia's beleaguered defense, which ranks near the bottom of the Big 12 and the country in just about everything.

With the Mountaineers seemingly determined to at least stop the run early, Klein completed his first seven passes, including a 10-yard touchdown that Lockett made a stretching, toe-dragging catch on in the back corner of the end zone. That made it 10-0 in the first.

The K-State running game went to work on the third drive and Klein finished it off with a 1-yard plunge.

Klein made it 24-0 on the next Kansas State drive, taking an option keeper 8 yards. That gave him 39 rushing touchdowns over the last two seasons to break an FBS record held by Eric Crouch of Nebraska and Stacey Robinson of Northern Illinois.

Tavon Austin finally put a little life back into the sellout crowd when he took the ensuing kickoff back 100 yards for a score with 4:12 left in the first half.

The bad news for West Virginia was that it gave the Wildcats more than enough time to get the ball back in the end zone ? which they did.

Klein hit Lockett deep for 44 yards and a few plays later he finished off the drive with another 1-yard dive.

The first half onslaught went like this for Kansas State: five possessions, 346 yards, four touchdowns and a field goal. The offense was unstoppable and the defense was just as good, holding Smith to 62 yards by flooding the secondary with defenders and taking away the down field throws.

Maybe the pressure of having to score every time he touches the ball has gotten to Smith, but that trip to New York for the Heisman Trophy presentation, which seemed like a lock after the Mountaineers won at Texas, is now in serious doubt.

As for Klein and the Wildcats, they will face tougher tests. The gap between the top and the bottom of the Big 12 doesn't seem all that wide. But they have now won three conference road games, including at Oklahoma. They came into the weekend fourth in BCS standings, behind Alabama, Florida and Oregon.

With their 73-year-old coach pushing all the right buttons and their happily married quarterback making all the right plays, the Wildcats might be due for a promotion.

Associated Press


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Saturday, October 20, 2012

norri better: The Greatest Backpack Distributors | travel and leisure ...

Backpack distributors are performing everything they could to have more sellers to buy their bags. Backpacks are the very best bags to carry your stuff because they spread the weight that you're carrying on the entire of your back. They are convenient because they can carry everything from schoolbooks to clothes to all you may need when you are going on a walking adventure. They are comfy, and they lessen muscle strain. It doesn't matter whether the load is great or small.

With many backpack distributors to pick from, you may not learn who distributes the best bags. You're spoilt for choice, and you have to conduct a lots of research to know the one that gives the cheapest price in town. The best backpack distributors have got websites on the internet that enable the retailers to shop for their bags ideally without leaving their stores.

When you are looking at the style of the backpack, its attributes and the advantages of using it, it is simpler when it's done over the internet. The purchasing, the payments, and the availability of the back packs is so easy and so comfortable. You do not have to leave the convenience of your office or your car seat to get there. They come at a less expensive price because you don't have to fuel your car to go get them. They're shipped right to your home, and you use the time you would have used to go there performing something more significant in the office or in the shop.

Great backpack distributors give their retailers all the details they want about the backpacks they would like to get. Should they have an online shop, they make certain that all the information concerning the bags is shown on the pages. They give the retailers all the time they have to take a look at their brochures. They've got a chat feature in their sites in order that if a retailer is stuck when they are trying to find the bags they would like to purchase, they could always ask for assistance, and they can get it straight away. The best backpack distributors give special discounts to their clients. Whether they have been long-term or they're visiting the very first time. It is good to offer a first timer a price reduction even because that small discount is what we will make him to return to your shop.

Great backpack distributors allows their clients to get backpacks on credit, and if they show to be great when settling their debts, they get discounts. Whenever a client is provided credit discount, they will wish to continue doing business with the distributor mainly because they know they could get goods even without money. A great distributor will make sure that they will let the retailers realize when new stuff gets in.

He will make sure that all his clients are up to date on brand new arrivals. Good distributors ensure that the bags they are giving are of top quality and this would be a plus for them. Whenever the retailers sell the best bags to their clients, there will be so many referrals, and they'll just need to return back for more bags.

This info should help you when searching for the best backpack distributors. I am certain you have a tip or two now and the next time you go out to search for a distributor, you'll know what exactly to look for. I'm glad that you took some time to read this.


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Tips To Avoid Common Commercial Real Estate Pitfalls | Eric Chua ...

You can make large amounts of profit which can leave you wealthy for years to come when it comes to commercial real estate. This being said, there are definitely some major risks involved, so it may not be the best path for every investor.

It is easy to get emotional when you are venturing into the commercial real estate market, but is is very important to stay patient and remain calm. Don?t jump into a new investment too quickly! You might regret it if that property is not right for you. Be patient, as it could take as long as a year for just the right investment property to turn up.

If you are new to commercial real estate investing, you should investigate any tax benefits that you could be eligible for. In addition to depreciation benefits, investors can receive interest deductions. Phantom income also exists: this type of income does not cover cash benefits but is taxed. It is important to know about this kind of income prior to investing.

TIP! Watch out for sellers with the right kind of motivation. Sometimes you will find sellers who are willing and able to sell well below the market value.

You should consult with a tax expert prior to purchasing anything. They?ll be able to discuss the long-term cost of the building, and what the tax rate for owning the building will be. Consult your adviser for areas where taxes are lower.

It is important to know how to deal with emergency maintenance. Talk to the building?s landlord about the person who currently handles emergency repairs. Have their phone number handy and know how long it will take them to arrive in an emergency. Take advantage of this information to devise a contingency plan in order to prevent and respond to customer complaints resulting from maintenance issues.

Regardless of which side of the negotiations you?re on, learn to haggle. Both the buyer and seller should attempt to negotiate a fair price rather than accepting the other?s first offer. Make certain that your voice is heard, and do what it takes to find a fair property price.

TIP! You can save money on repair costs while cleaning up the property. First off, you may not be liable for cleanup expenses if you do not hold ownership interest, but if you do, you are on the hook.

Commercial property investors need to be conscious of drastic inflation in upcoming years. In the past, most leases had various built-in clauses that had their price adjusted to the CPI, which protected those who signed from inflation. With the way things work today, take precaution because this type of contract is extinct, which leaves you a lot more vulnerable when it comes to losses as a result of inflation.

Line up a commercial lender before offering to buy a property. Discover your area?s best lenders by talking to friends and investors that you know. Research and prepare for the purchase process by finding the best lender for your needs, before even selecting a property. Your real estate agent should be able to provide you with a checklist of things you should do before getting a commercial loan approved.

Buy apartment complexes with large numbers of units. Having more units allows you to get more money per unit, and thus spread that investment elsewhere. Many investors will only consider properties with more than 10 units, and they know that if they have more units, the more money they will make.

TIP! Doing so allows you to confirm that the terms, rent roll and pro forma are all in agreement. If you don?t review the key terms, you may discover terms which were not contemplated for the rent roll.

Understand exactly what you want for your business prior to searching for commercial properties. Map out all the details of the type of office space you?re looking for before you begin. If you want to grow your company, buy a larger space than you think you need. This can save money later.

Commercial loans differ in several ways from residential loans; for one, they require a higher percentage deposit. The ideal way in qualifying for this type of loan is by finding the best lenders in addition to asking around for potential investment opportunities.

For a commercial property you plan to rent out, make sure it is a solid construction with a simple design. Tenants will be eager to fill these spaces because it will be clear that they are well-maintained. This type of building also has the advantage of requiring less maintenance, an attractive feature for tenants and owners alike.

TIP! Know what to expect from your realtor by asking them questions about successes and failures. Ask them how they measure their results.

Do a walk-through of each property on your short list. You should consider asking an experienced professional to come with you and examine the properties you have an interest in. After touring, feel free to begin negotiations or even make your preliminary proposal. Give a bit of thought to the counteroffers before deciding to accept the offer, make a counteroffer yourself or walk away.

You should concentrate your efforts on one real estate endeavor at a time. Focus on a single type, should it be apartments, offices, retail, land, etc. Each type deserves and requires undivided attention. Becoming a guru in one investment category is preferable to minimal success spread across multiple investments.

Engaging in a commercial transaction often takes more time, and is more difficult than simply buying a home. However, all of this is required because it facilitates higher returns on your investments.

TIP! Search online for websites that provide information about real estate investments. These general interest websites can provide you with useful information whether you?re new to the world of real estate investment or have made a career out of investing.

Commercial real estate is immensely profitable for some. A serious commitment of funds is usually required, as are your time and other resources to insure the success of your investment. To ensure that you are successful in the commercial real estate market, make sure that you use some of the tips and idea presented above.


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Friday, October 19, 2012

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Good Government Groups Accuse Arizona Non-profit With Laundering

(At left) Common Cause Advocate Phillip Ung told Capitol reporters earlier this year that California corporations? political spending outstrips labor unions? by a wide margin.

California Common Cause and the League of Women Voters during a Friday morning teleconference accused Americans for Responsible Leadership, an Arizona non-profit organization that has reportedly donated more than $11 million to the Small Business PAC that is underwriting the Pro-Proposition 32 campaign, of violating six-month old California campaign rules that require disclosure of donors when funds are earmarked for a specific purpose.

The organizations plan to file a complaint with the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) that could require the out-of-state non-profit under pressure of subpoena to produce documents showing who provided the funds.

Common Cause Vice President Derek Cressman sketched out for reporters a ?web? of intrigue that links donors including the Koch brothers to the donations that have been given by the out-of-state non-profit.

Phillip Ung, of Common Cause, said the California regulations enacted six months ago were designed to force disclosure of donors by out-of-state organizations that are seeking to influence California politics.

Common Cause is asserting that the Arizona non-profit corporation has also failed to meet corporate filing requirements of Arizona, let alone the new regulations in California.

Common Cause officials say they believe the filing will show that the corporation was a small organization with less than a million dollars but suddenly received an infusion of funds on the order of $200 million. The Arizona Corporation suddenly this week dropped $11 million into the Small Business Action Committee, which is the main source of funds for Proposition 32, the CTA-opposed Special Exemptions Act. ?Ung also told reporters that the Small Business Action Committee is also a major funder of the efforts to defeat Proposition 30, the governor?s revenue measure designed to fund schools and stave off some $6 billion in trigger cuts.

During the teleconference on last-minute out-of-state donations of $11 million, Ung called the donation the ?single largest, non-disclosed? donation from out of state?and the ?second largest donation? from an out of state organization.

Trudy Schafer, of the League of Women Voters, said she wanted to put the donation in the?context in the campaigns right now. ?Common cause and the League are strongly no on 32.? It is ironic that the proponents of Prop. 32 are advertising it as an initiative stopping special
interests, but special interest money is being poured into California within three weeks of the election in support of it,? Schafer said.

These corporations would be ?untouched by Prop. 32,? Schafer said.? ?We?d like to see campaign reform but this is not campaign reform.?

Ung said disclosure of donation sources is vital so that voters can make informed choices. ?If you know the money [for an initiative] is coming from a Molly Munger or a Charles Munger, voters can take that into consideration.? When it?s coming for a black box, they can?t.?


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David Blankenhorn, Prop 8 Witness, Records Pro-Gay Marriage Video

David Blankenhorn has recorded a video in opposition to Minnesota's proposed constitutional amendment which would limit marriage to heterosexual couples.

In 2010, Blankenhorn, the founder and president of the conservative group Institute for American Values, served as an expert witness in favor of California's gay marriage ban at the trial challenging the constitutionality of Proposition 8. And he argued against gay nuptials in his 2007 book The Future of Marriage.

But in a New York Times op-ed published in June, Blankenhorn reversed course.

In the 2-minute video released Thursday, Blankenhorn says the amendment would harm society.

?I came to a stronger appreciation in my own mind of the importance of accepting gay and lesbian people and couples,? he says. ?There are powerful reasons to believe that we will be a better society if we include gay and lesbian people and their relationships as full and equal parts of society.?

?If you just bam put it in the constitution, forever and a day it's going to be this one thing. I think it's very harmful. Very harmful. Now let's try to learn to share this space that we have together.? (The video is embedded on this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)


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Waldorf Astoria collects stolen hotel property

NEW YORK (AP) ? Three small, silver spoons elegantly engraved with the words "Waldorf Astoria" have come full circle: Stolen eight decades ago by an employee of the famed hotel, they passed through two Brooklyn homes and another three in New Jersey.

Then, earlier this month, Brigid Brown packed them up, took them back through the chandeliered foyer of the hotel and plunked them down on a table ? as part of a Waldorf amnesty program that seeks the return of pilfered property, no questions asked.

"At first, I thought, 'Was my husband's grandfather a thief? How could he do this?'" she asked.

The spoons joined dozens of other items that are back in their rightful place, including teapots, coffee pots, creamers, coasters and dishes for nuts.

Just don't call them stolen items.

Each was "secretly checked out," the hotel says on its Facebook page. And "we're giving you the chance to give it back."

The Waldorf's fancy what-nots are trickling back with stories of human lives, loves and losses going as far back as the early 20th century. They trace the history of the 129-year-old hotel that fills a whole city block on Manhattan's east side. It has hosted every U.S. president ? including Barack Obama this week ? and been home to celebrities from Frank Sinatra and Cole Porter to Paris Hilton.

But the program that started on July 1 offers glimpses into more ordinary lives of people who came to the Waldorf for something special, such as a wedding night, an anniversary, an award or special vacation.

Some items are of no particular value, except emotional, such as a "Do Not Disturb" sign from a couple's wedding night that an archivist pulls out of a cardboard box along with postcards written by the blissful guests.

The new collection will be displayed in glass cases in the lobby with other objects and photos from a celebrity-studded past.

Beyond historic nostalgia, the project has a new-age business purpose: To raise the profile of an old, iconic institution in today's social-media marketing world.

Matt Zolbe, the Waldorf's director of sales and marketing, hopes images of interesting returned property the hotel is loading on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest will be retweeted or reposted "to attract a new generation to the Waldorf," where room rates start at about $400 a night.

Christine Hayner, a 25-year-old Waldorf sales manager, says she's never helped herself to anything at the hotel. But her grandmother did, on her wedding night in 1949.

This summer, while at the family beach house on the New Jersey shore, a Waldorf silver fork suddenly appeared in her grandmother's hand.

"She said, 'I have something from your hotel, and I want you to have it ? it's important to me,'" Hayner quotes her as saying.

The granddaughter accepted the salad fork, more than a half century after it disappeared from a cart that brought a room-service meal to the newlyweds.

But then, said Hayner, "I thought, 'What am I going to do with this?'"

Three days later, she got the answer at a business meeting where Waldorf executives announced their amnesty idea.

But other objects are still missing, including thousands of demitasse spoons that were the most popular stolen item ? easy to tuck away in a pocket or purse.

One unique piece never made it back: the glass door to a shower in the Waldorf Towers apartment of Sinatra and his wife, Nancy, with their initials carved into it. An unnamed seller once offered the Waldorf the door, "but it's not a hotel practice to purchase items that may have been stolen," said Zolbe.

Waldorf archivist Alex Duryee said surprise packages have come from across the country, from California and Texas to Massachusetts and Louisiana.

Two silver butter knives were returned to the front desk by a relative of a New Jersey woman who attended separate luncheons honoring her for selling the most dresses for charity.

"She took a knife each time," Duryee said. "They were her secret trophies."

Brown, who lives in Somerset, N.J., and returned the three spoons earlier this month, said the story of how her husband's grandfather swiped the silverware while working as a clerk at the Waldorf in the 1920s and '30s is now part of family lore. She's kept them in a home drawer, tied together with a rubber band.

But sentimentality dies hard.

She sheepishly admitted there were actually four stolen spoons.

"I wanted one as a keepsake."


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Ruby Bridges reflects on her life at book festival

AAA??Oct. 18, 2012?6:35 AM ET
Ruby Bridges reflects on her life at book festival

FILE - In this Nov. 13, 2000, file photo, Ruby Bridges, who was the first black child to attend the all-white William Frantz Public School in New Orleans, leans against a doorway in New York. Ruby Bridges will be one of the presenting authors at this weekend?s New Orleans Children?s Book Festival, an event Bridges helped launch in 2010. (AP Photo/Suzanne Plunkett, file)

FILE - In this Nov. 13, 2000, file photo, Ruby Bridges, who was the first black child to attend the all-white William Frantz Public School in New Orleans, leans against a doorway in New York. Ruby Bridges will be one of the presenting authors at this weekend?s New Orleans Children?s Book Festival, an event Bridges helped launch in 2010. (AP Photo/Suzanne Plunkett, file)

FILE - In this Jan. 16, 1998 file photo, Barbara Henry, a former teacher at William Frantz Elementry school in New Orleans, left, and her 1960 first grade student Ruby Bridges-Hall, pose for a portrait in Boston. Ruby Bridges will be one of the presenting authors at this weekend?s New Orleans Children?s Book Festival, an event Bridges helped launch in 2010. (AP Photo/Steven Senne, file)

FILE - In this Nov. 1960 file photo, U.S. Deputy Marshals escort six-year-old Ruby Bridges from William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans, La. The first grader was the only black child enrolled in the school, where parents of white students were boycotting the court-ordered integration law and were taking their children out of school. Ruby Bridges will be one of the presenting authors at this weekend?s New Orleans Children?s Book Festival, an event Bridges helped launch in 2010. (AP Photo, file)

(AP) ? Ruby Bridges remembers how excited she was when an anonymous donor sent Dr. Seuss books to her New Orleans home in 1960, the year she ended segregation in local public education by enrolling at a previously all-white elementary school.

The civil rights icon says the books were a bright spot during the time she entered the William Frantz Elementary School at the age of 6. They were pivotal not only to her passion for reading, but also to her later work to get books to as many schoolchildren as possible.

Bridges will be furthering that mission Friday and Saturday at the New Orleans Children's Book Festival, an event she launched with Mayor Mitch Landrieu's wife, Cheryl Landrieu, in 2010.

Free books will be distributed and Bridges and others will read.

Associated PressNews Topics: Arts and entertainment, Television programs, Entertainment, General news, Literary events, Book fairs, Children's books, Fairs and festivals, Celebrity, Books and literature, Recreation and leisure, Lifestyle, Children's entertainment


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Buying and Selling E-Commerce Businesses | Travel

Recently, e-commerce has catapulted to the very top of the business world as the avenue used to promote an entrepreneurs? fresh ideas and savvy business sense. Owners use e-businesses to provide them with room for growth and advancement. Their hard work also encourages smaller companies to start up by setting a good example. Buying and selling businesses can be yet another way of providing profitability to owners. Knowing when the right time has arrived to dispose of your own business is key. People who fail to obtain a complete understanding of e-businesses are at risk of taking a loss. An internet-based business differs completely from a traditional brick-and-mortar store.

Proper planning and excellent decision-making skills are a must when operating a business. The target population has to be considered when arriving at decisions that will affect them and customer satisfaction. Traditional businesses often elect to employ several avenues where marketing and promotion are involved. Most e-businesses, unfortunately, never explore this channel. Selling an e-commerce business can be extremely cumbersome, but proves to be effective in most cases. Since site traffic has the potential to drive customers to particular businesses, the marketing budget can be significantly lower. The comparison in money allocated to marketing for those located on the internet rather than physical stores is unparallel. Physical stores need to spend money on billboards, commercials, storefront displays, and other approaches to generate customers. It?s not the situation with virtual retailers and owners. Those wishing to target a specific group only need to use online marketing strategies to get the word out. Their costs are minimal when this is the situation.

In terms of franchising sales, owners must comprehend that appealing ideas that will create the most revenue. Only those that will evidently produce positive results stand a chance. There are several steps needed to ensure that selling your business is worth your while:

* Keeping accurate financial records adds credibility and validates the goals and achievements of the business.

* Using a variety of reliable software tools adds validity to your business operations. These tools may make the need for expensive account managers obsolete.

* Understanding of current market activity is likewise important and can be accomplished by doing current research on the topic.

Investors and potential buyers will appreciate these extra steps and may even show greater desire for purchasing because of this. These invaluable tools can really help potential buyers make a decision they can live with and you?ll benefit from.

Because e-commerce is constantly changing and evolving, adjustments are constantly happening in each and every facet of their operations. It is important to remember the way the market differences play a role in their worth and earning potential. Making sure to utilize the proper software and marketing tools is extremely important and should be researched appropriately before making any major decisions.

Paul Ash used to own three businesses before selling them in order to write full time. Paul Ash has written articles for Kazooga, who can be contacted at (877) 716-9528 or online at


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After Pandit, a smaller Citi could get smaller yet

NEW YORK (AP) ? The incredible shrinking bank may have to shrink more.

In the hours after Tuesday's surprise announcement that Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit was stepping down, speculation was rife, and facts scant, about what lay ahead for the nation's third-largest bank.

But one possibility given high odds by financial analysts: More cost-cutting, more shrinking and more focus on boring, traditional banking, like making loans.

"It's going to get a lot smaller," said Gerard Cassidy, a long-time banking analyst at RBC Capital Markets. "You've got to shrink to make big money."

In the nearly five years since Pandit took over as CEO, he shed businesses and cut jobs. Staff fell from 375,000 when he took over to 262,000.

Once the nation's largest bank, Citi is now the third-largest, with $1.9 trillion in assets. It trails JPMorgan Chase, with $2.3 trillion, and Bank of America, with $2.1 trillion.

Citi's new CEO is Michael Corbat, 52. He had been the CEO of Citigroup's Europe, Middle East and Africa division. He also ran Citi Holdings, which contains assets that Citi wants to sell.

Because Corbat isn't widely known, analysts Tuesday were not sure how he might change the direction of the company.

For clues, some are looking to someone more well-known: the man thought to be behind Pandit's departure, Citi Chairman Michael O'Neill. O'Neill became chairman in March, when Richard Parsons left after three years.

O'Neill was elected CEO of Barclays, the British bank, in 1999 but had to give up the job immediately because of heart problems. He joined Citi's board in March 2009. O'Neill had also been CEO of Bank of Hawaii Corp., where he was a big cost-cutter.

"When he ran Bank of Hawaii, he shut down up to 50 percent of its branches. It's a startling number," said Cassidy. He added that at Citi, "if the branch banking businesses doesn't make sense in parts of the United States, (he'll) get rid of it."

Tom Brown, founder of hedge fund Second Curve Capital, agreed.

"O'Neill downsized tremendously, and that's what I think you'll see here," he said.

For years, the goal in banking was to get bigger, spreading expenses over more and more customers and offering a smorgasbord of services. This was the vision of Sandy Weill, the former Citi CEO who built the bank through several deals.

But the appeal of the one-stop shop, though not dead, has lost its luster since the financial crisis. Many banks, Citi included, were so sprawling, they didn't even know the risks they had assumed.

As the housing market imploded, Citi lost $32 billion in 2008, according to FactSet, a financial data provider. Nearing collapse, the bank took $45 billion in government money.

The government converted $25 billion into an ownership stake, which it sold in December 2010 for a $12 million profit. Citigroup had repaid the other $20 billion in December 2009.

In a conference call with analysts late Tuesday, O'Neill gave few details about how the bank may change after Pandit. But he did note that it will be "extraordinarily focused on our expense level."

Some analysts speculated the bank may place less emphasis on Wall Street trading and helping companies sell stocks and bonds to the public, the so-called investment banking in which Pandit had expertise. The business is volatile, with blockbuster profits occasionally followed by big losses.

Instead, the focus could shift to commercial banking, what Daniel Alpert, managing partner of Westwood Capital, calls the "dull and boring" businesses of lending to companies and consumers.

Dick Bove, a bank analyst at Rochdale Securities, thinks Citi will not only emphasize commercial banking, but will shift focus more overseas where the bank faces fewer rivals and could charge higher interest rates.

"If you look at domestic commercial banking, you have lower interest rates, you have higher losses, you have regulation and a high degree of competition," he said. "If you go overseas, you don't have any of those. You have tremendous growth."

Citi manages 200 million accounts with customers in 160 countries.

Corbat also spoke to analysts on the conference call but, as was the case with O'Neill, gave little indication how Citi might change. Corbat has worked at Citi and its predecessors since he graduated from Harvard in 1983.

Pandit's resignation came a day after the bank announced what many analysts had hailed as terrific earnings for the third quarter.

"It feels very abrupt to us," one analyst, Mike Mayo of CLSA, said on the conference call. "We're all scratching our heads, and thinking, 'What just happened?'"

O'Neill replied, "What happened is Vikram submitted his resignation."

Pandit is credited with not only slimming the bank, but removing it from government ownership after the bailout and righting its balance sheet after billions in losses on bad mortgage investments made before he took the helm. But he came under criticism for not cutting expenses enough last year.

"You're in a recovery mode, and the last thing you should do is make investments that retard that," said Second Curve's Brown of the bank's 2011 investments overseas and in branches. "Last year was terrible."

Said Cassidy: "I don't know if (Pandit) was pushed out or quit, but I don't think he was following the game plan of O'Neill."


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