Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tips To Avoid Common Commercial Real Estate Pitfalls | Eric Chua ...

You can make large amounts of profit which can leave you wealthy for years to come when it comes to commercial real estate. This being said, there are definitely some major risks involved, so it may not be the best path for every investor.

It is easy to get emotional when you are venturing into the commercial real estate market, but is is very important to stay patient and remain calm. Don?t jump into a new investment too quickly! You might regret it if that property is not right for you. Be patient, as it could take as long as a year for just the right investment property to turn up.

If you are new to commercial real estate investing, you should investigate any tax benefits that you could be eligible for. In addition to depreciation benefits, investors can receive interest deductions. Phantom income also exists: this type of income does not cover cash benefits but is taxed. It is important to know about this kind of income prior to investing.

TIP! Watch out for sellers with the right kind of motivation. Sometimes you will find sellers who are willing and able to sell well below the market value.

You should consult with a tax expert prior to purchasing anything. They?ll be able to discuss the long-term cost of the building, and what the tax rate for owning the building will be. Consult your adviser for areas where taxes are lower.

It is important to know how to deal with emergency maintenance. Talk to the building?s landlord about the person who currently handles emergency repairs. Have their phone number handy and know how long it will take them to arrive in an emergency. Take advantage of this information to devise a contingency plan in order to prevent and respond to customer complaints resulting from maintenance issues.

Regardless of which side of the negotiations you?re on, learn to haggle. Both the buyer and seller should attempt to negotiate a fair price rather than accepting the other?s first offer. Make certain that your voice is heard, and do what it takes to find a fair property price.

TIP! You can save money on repair costs while cleaning up the property. First off, you may not be liable for cleanup expenses if you do not hold ownership interest, but if you do, you are on the hook.

Commercial property investors need to be conscious of drastic inflation in upcoming years. In the past, most leases had various built-in clauses that had their price adjusted to the CPI, which protected those who signed from inflation. With the way things work today, take precaution because this type of contract is extinct, which leaves you a lot more vulnerable when it comes to losses as a result of inflation.

Line up a commercial lender before offering to buy a property. Discover your area?s best lenders by talking to friends and investors that you know. Research and prepare for the purchase process by finding the best lender for your needs, before even selecting a property. Your real estate agent should be able to provide you with a checklist of things you should do before getting a commercial loan approved.

Buy apartment complexes with large numbers of units. Having more units allows you to get more money per unit, and thus spread that investment elsewhere. Many investors will only consider properties with more than 10 units, and they know that if they have more units, the more money they will make.

TIP! Doing so allows you to confirm that the terms, rent roll and pro forma are all in agreement. If you don?t review the key terms, you may discover terms which were not contemplated for the rent roll.

Understand exactly what you want for your business prior to searching for commercial properties. Map out all the details of the type of office space you?re looking for before you begin. If you want to grow your company, buy a larger space than you think you need. This can save money later.

Commercial loans differ in several ways from residential loans; for one, they require a higher percentage deposit. The ideal way in qualifying for this type of loan is by finding the best lenders in addition to asking around for potential investment opportunities.

For a commercial property you plan to rent out, make sure it is a solid construction with a simple design. Tenants will be eager to fill these spaces because it will be clear that they are well-maintained. This type of building also has the advantage of requiring less maintenance, an attractive feature for tenants and owners alike.

TIP! Know what to expect from your realtor by asking them questions about successes and failures. Ask them how they measure their results.

Do a walk-through of each property on your short list. You should consider asking an experienced professional to come with you and examine the properties you have an interest in. After touring, feel free to begin negotiations or even make your preliminary proposal. Give a bit of thought to the counteroffers before deciding to accept the offer, make a counteroffer yourself or walk away.

You should concentrate your efforts on one real estate endeavor at a time. Focus on a single type, should it be apartments, offices, retail, land, etc. Each type deserves and requires undivided attention. Becoming a guru in one investment category is preferable to minimal success spread across multiple investments.

Engaging in a commercial transaction often takes more time, and is more difficult than simply buying a home. However, all of this is required because it facilitates higher returns on your investments.

TIP! Search online for websites that provide information about real estate investments. These general interest websites can provide you with useful information whether you?re new to the world of real estate investment or have made a career out of investing.

Commercial real estate is immensely profitable for some. A serious commitment of funds is usually required, as are your time and other resources to insure the success of your investment. To ensure that you are successful in the commercial real estate market, make sure that you use some of the tips and idea presented above.


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