Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Online social networks - The UB Post - MongolNews.mn


Online social networking has become a commonplace online today, it is an accepted even an expected function for online users of 2013. The popularity of social networking websites are on a constant rise while this technology is being utilized and observed for new commercial and educational purposes every day.
The internet is relatively new technology, as Robert Darnton, American Cultural historian said that internet is a revolution that ?took place yesterday or the day before, depending on how you measure it.? The first real use of the internet was email, and next came online pages with graphical interfaces in the form of websites. Since then eCommerce, voice and video communication, blogs and instant messaging services emerged rapidly, and it was only natural that people felt the need to connect with each other ? so the services of social networking emerged.
Social networking service is being researched and observed by scholars every day ? its trends, history and future. There are numerous research materials into social networking sites and even an annual in-depth analysis released by separate companies and enterprises. One such report easily divides the best and worst of social networking websites.
The good part includes; cheap/free way to communicate, networking, new interest, information sharing, opportunities, business purpose and the fact that most social networking sites are very easy to use. Some bad parts are that one can get addicted to it (forcing employers to limit the usage of social networking websites to prevent inefficiency during office hours), identity theft, wrong/negative information, not profitable in a big way and a huge problem with privacy.
To some people the negative factors of social networking sites may outweigh the positive factors, but it is always important to remember its overall use. So, while it is legal to download files from the internet, it is not legal to download copyrighted files and the social network community is greatly benefiting from; science, globalization, education, employment, opportunities and businesses. In short ? it is a great place to get information. Before, social gatherings did the job, but now we have our online community to tell us what?s going on or when the world is likely to end (again).
Is social networking a whole new generation of communication? www.gignitesocialmedia.com, a website which analyzes social networking sites asked several internet researchers/scholars a question: For businesses and brands that are just starting to ramp up in 2012, what new social networking trends do you see going forward? Phil Gerbyshak, one of the analysts answers, ?I think the days of one social network fitting everyone?s needs are over. Users want more thats of interest to them, and they don?t want to wade through all the other crap that?s out there to get there. I think we?ll see more niche networks around something in common, be they locations or interests.
I also think we?ll see more social video happening. Spreecast is already doing a darn good job of this, UStream is pretty good at it, and I expect others will as well.
Lastly, I believe we?ll see a shift in the way people talk about social media, and they?ll just come to expect that there will be a way to share, comment, and offer their insights into anything a business has to say ? and if your business doesn?t, you will lose even more market share.?
The reason that social networking services are constantly expanding is that it is closely tied with business and commerce. Users of online social networking services are both consumers and suppliers ? a new trend emerged with this phenomenon.
The future of online social network looks, of course, very bright indeed ? as the businesses makes sure of this ? but even so, as MySpace colorfully illustrated to us, they can decline. Hopefully, with strong ties with other industries around the world, online social networks can become more than our everyday life and in a hundred years;don?t be surprised to see a post or a ?tweet? from someone claiming the date when the world will end.

Short URL: http://ubpost.mongolnews.mn/?p=2493

Posted by admin on Jan 14 2013. Filed under Opinion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Source: http://ubpost.mongolnews.mn/?p=2493

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