Sunday, March 31, 2013

How much could the cheapest car insurance be for a length of ...

I am planning to by a car and I wanna get my finances together. Knowing fully well that getting a car is one thing and insuring it is another, I wanna find out how much the cheapest car insurance could be for a 6months period.

It depends on the vehicle, year, make, and model. It depends if you have full coverage or liability insurance as well. Best idea would be to start looking at what kind of car you would like to buy, and start calling around to insurance companies to see who gives you the best deal. Progressive is really good, that?s who I have.

Just a suggestion: Make sure you have uninsured motorist coverage as well. Even if you are in someone else?s vehicle, if they don?t have coverage, you yourself are still covered. It saved my butt when I broke my neck in someone else?s car. They didn?t have insurance, and I was able to get all of my medical bills paid because I had the coverage.


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