Sunday, March 18, 2012

Venture Capital in Australia: Join the Ultimate Business Network ...

the Ultimate Business?


We would like to offer you the opportunity to do business the same way. You are therefore being invited to express your interest in joining "the Ultimate Business Network". This network is about creating opportunities for your business, not drinking coffee. There are no meetings to attend, no forums to participate in. This is about having opportunities brought directly to you for evaluation.

If you join this network, the first part of the process is that we will conduct a full profile of your company. We will look at your business assets, your products, your processes and your database. This process will not be invasive and it will be totally up to you as to what information you provide. This profile will be used to identify potential JV opportunities with other network members and to ensure that only appropriate and compatible opportunities are presented to you.

If you have an opportunity that you wish to share with other network members ? we will coordinate that for you. If you have?? an issue that you require assistance with we will try to identify a network member who may be able to provide that assistance. Ultimately what we are looking to create is win-win situations for the network members. This network is not restricted by geography as the business that could provide you with the best opportunity may not be located in the same state or even the same country. As you will see from our website:? and? have conducted business ventures across several continents and have offices throughout Australia and New Zealand.
It should however be noted that this opportunity is not suitable for everyone. Before being accepted into this network, we will need to be confident that we can provide value for you. We are therefore at this stage just looking for expressions of interest. If you would like to investigate this opportunity further all you need do is?Click Here?and submit the expression of?? interest form.


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